The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception Page 30
24. Ibid., V, 11-12 (Vermes, p.285).
25. Ibid., X, 9-10 (Vermes, p.288).
26. Ibid., X, 11-12 (Vermes, p.288).
27. For a comprehensive review of Paul’s sensitivity to the charge of lying, see Eisenman, op. cit., p.39, n.24.
28. Eisenman, op. cit., p.viii, points out the important difference between the ‘Liar’ and the ‘Wicked Priest’. This distinction must be made before any historical sense can be made of the texts. The consensus position is that the ‘Liar’ and the ‘Wicked Priest” are the same person. See Vermes, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, p.30.
29. The Habakkuk Commentary, IX, 2 (Vermes, p. 287). See Eisenman, op. cit., pp.50-51, where he explains that the passage would read more accurately as: ‘they took vengeance upon the flesh of his corpse’. This relates the passage very closely to the known facts of Ananas’ death. See also Eisenman, ‘Interpreting “Arbeit Galuto” in the Habakkuk Pesher’, which connects this phrase to the Sanhedrin trial of James.
30. The Habakkuk Commentary, XII, 7ff. (Vermes, p. 289).
31. Eisenman to authors, 22 August 1990.
32. The Habakkuk Commentary, VIII, Iff. (Vermes, p.287). See also Eisenman, op. cit., pp.37-9, for a discussion of this reference to ‘faith’.
33. Eisenman, ibid.
14. Zeal for the Law
1. Eisenman, Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran, p. 44, n.30.
2. Ibid., p.6.
3. Ibid., p.8; p.45, n.36 (quoting Wernberg-Meller).
4. Ibid., p. 12; p.49, n.58; see also p.26.
5. Ibid., p. 12.
6. Ibid., p. 13; p.49, n.58. See Numbers 25:7ff. Mattathias invokes this covenant in his dying speech (1 Mace. 2:54): ‘Phinehas our father, because he was deeply zealous, received the covenant of everlasting priesthood.’ (Revised Standard Version)
7. Eisenman to authors, 29 August 1990.
8. Ibid., pp. 13-16; p.45, n.36.
9. Ibid., p.44, n.30.
10. Ibid., p. 10.
11. Ibid., p.90, n.164. This terminology of ‘purist’ and ‘Herodian’ Sadducees derives from Eisenman. The ‘purist’ Sadducees, or the ‘Zealots’, were, after 4 bc, ‘Messianic’ in their ideology. Hence Eisenman refines his terminology on occasion to speak of the post-4 bc groups rather as ‘Messianic Sadducees’ and ‘Boethusian Sadducees’ — the latter after Simon ben Boethus, whom Herod established as high priest. In our text, we have retained the simpler division into ‘purist’ and ‘Herodian’ groups. This approach provides the key to understanding the ‘MMT’ document.
12. Josephus, The Jewish Wars, II, i. See Eisenman, op. cit., pp.25-6.
13. Josephus, op. cit., II, iv.
14. Ibid., II, viii.
15. Eisenman, op. cit., p.53, n.79; p.75, n.140.
16. Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, XVIII, i.
17. Ibid., XVII, x.
18. Josephus, The Jewish Wars, II, xvii.
19. Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, XVIII, i.
20. This material received an early public airing in a paper given by Eisenman to the Society of Biblical Literature at its meeting in New York in 1981, ‘Confusions of Pharisees and Essenes in Josephus’.
21. The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament, Acts 21:20.
22. Eisenman, op. cit., pp.5-9.
23. Ibid., p.58, n.95.
24. Ibid., pp.36-7; p.90, n.164; p.96 (n.179).
25. Josephus, The Jewish Wars, VII, x; the translation of G.A. Williamson is used here (The Jewish War, pp.392-3).
26. Eisenman, op. cit., p.96, n.180.
27. Ibid., pp.25-6.
28. Ibid., p.73, n.132; listing The Damascus Document, VII, 18-21; The War Scroll, XI, 5ff; A Messianic Testimonia (4Q Test), 9-13.
29. The Damascus Document, VII, 18-21.
30. Tacitus, The Histories, V, xiii; the translation of K. Wellesley is used here (p.279). See also Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Vespasian, 4; translation by R. Graves (p.281).
31. Eisenman, op. cit., p.25.
32. Gichon, ‘The Bar Kochba War’, p. 88.
33. Ibid., p.92.
34. Ibid., pp.89-90.
35. Gichon to authors, 12 January 1990.
15. Zealot Suicide
1. The last sentence of this quote from Matthew is a pure Qumran-style statement opposing the methods of ‘the Liar’.
2. Josephus, The Jewish Wars, VII, ix.
3. Ibid., VII, viii; the translation used is that of G.A. Williamson, The Jewish War, p. 387.
4. Ibid. (Williamson, p.390).
5. Ibid., Ill, viii.
6. Yadin, Masada, pp. 187-8. Yadin makes nothing of this fact. See Eisenman, Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran, p. 22; p. 67 n.117.
7. Ibid., p.62 n.105.
8. The War Scroll, I, 6-8 (Vermes, p. 105).
16. Paul – Roman Agent or Informer?
1. Especially 1 Corinthians 9:19-27. See above, Chapter 11, n.8.
2. Eisenman to authors, 24 August 1990.
3. Eisenman, James thejust in the Habakkuk Pesher, p.16, n.39; p.59, n.39.
4. Eisenman, Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran, p.62, n.105, makes the point that ‘Paul’s “Gentile mission”, overriding the demands of the Law and addressed equally “to Jews and Gentiles alike”… is perfectly in line with the exigencies of Herodian family policy.’ Eisenman has made a detailed examination of all the evidence surrounding Paul’s links with the ruling families in a paper ‘Paul as Herodian’ delivered to the Society of Biblical Literature, 1983.
1. Bar-Adon, ‘Another Settlement of the Judean Desert Sect’.
2. Eusebius, The History of the Church, VI, 16 (p.256).
3. Ibid.
4. Braun, ‘Ein Brief des Katholikos Timotheos I’, p.305.
5. The full story of Shapira is told in Allegro, The Shapim Affair.
6. Ibid., pp. 114-19.
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